Native American Tribal Enrollment

What are the steps of retaining a Qualified Researcher to find your Native American Ancestors?

1. Native American Research is very difficult. A normal Genealogy Professional cannot provide the expertise needed to find Native Ancestors.
2. To have repertoire and trust with a Federal7. ly Recognized Tribe a Professional Native American Researcher should be able to fluently speak a Native American Language. This person would then personally travel to the Native Tribe and be granted access to the Tribes Records. A white person from the U.S. would normally have ancestors that killed Native Americans. Hence, the Tribe will not help them. They will either state that they have no records or the records can’t be released under the privacy act.
3. Native American records were generally kept by the U.S. Government. This means the records might be thousands of miles from the location of the Tribe. My records from New Mexico are in multiple locations: Denver, California, Seattle, and Washington D.C. You have to travel as a Native American Researcher to be successful.
4. Native American names are a description of the individual Indian’s traits in their tribes language. Over time these names change. And end up in English.
5. I am Native American and I help people like you, qualify for Tribal Enrollment. I have connections in the Bureau of Indian Affairs and know many tribal leaders. If you really want to find your Native Ancestors and not be duped by someone who will take your money and simply sit at a computer or use the FHL Family History Library you need to talk to me. There is no other way to find these records other than for a Professional Native American Specialist to travel to the various repositories throughout the U.S. and where your Native Ancestors lived.
6. If one of your ancestors was adopted there is a special Federal Law that requires states to make the adoptee’s records available to you. We have this information.
7. Doing this yourself or hiring a non Native researcher will cost you years of time and money. I am worth retaining and I will search everything available. Send me an email at [email protected] or call me at 801 836-1996.

Every person’s ancestors have a different story, different details that lead to who they are. Your Native Ancestors are no different. They want to be found and they want you to find them.


November 12, 2019