Introductory Special for finding Ancestors for Temple Work for LDS And Same Discount Rate for Everyone

1. As proxy Temple work is important to LDS Families we have prepared a project special to help all LDS people to accomplish this without spending a lot of money. This is a lot different and much better than Family History Consultants. You are receiving Expert Professional Help. When family’s can’t successfully find their ancestors they come to us. The LDS First Presidency came to us for help because their own Researchers couldn’t find one of those people in 6 months. . Within a month, we had found everything they needed. When needed help with DNA projects, they came to us.

2. We will do the same thing for non LDS. Same deal.

3. Additionally we can work on an individuals LDS account to find those that have been missed in the system. ie. Lacking ordinances.

4. We will look at everyone’s Ancestors. We will determine the DIRECTION, researching for these ancestors entails.

5. We will add as many ancestors as possible from our Home location. This includes utilization of online records and paid databases.

6. We will utilize the records on microfilm and books contained in the FHL in SLC.

7. We will detail further research needed.

8. We will provide a final report for each Family Case.

9. As a result and as it is for Temple work our cost for each Family is $550

10. This is being offered only until 1 Mar 2019. Payment can be check or Credit/Debit Card.

11. Everyone needs to complete a pedigree Chart.

12. This includes the maiden names, dates and places of Birth, Death, Marriages if know.

13. Everyone needs to write a brief history of their ancestors and where they think they came from.
14. This information needs to be sent to us to begin.

15. If you are serious LDS this is an opportunity you should not pass up on.

February 17, 2019