Should I hire a Certified Genealogist?

What is a Certified Genealogist?

Certification in Genealogy is different to a being Trade Certified. A trade is Certified by a State or the Federal Government Agency. A Genealogist is not.

A Certified Genealogist is Certified by an Amateur Board of normal people.

Hence you have a board made up of white people who are certifying researchers for Native American Research. People who can’t speak Native and will not be accepted to look at tribal records owned by a tribe. The only Certified Native Researcher is Frankie Davis at who has certification by the Tribes.

Most Certified Researchers simply pass a written test. Basically those who sit in front of a computed with access to only about 10% of Records and who you as an individual can search yourself. The only way to properly do Native Research is to hire a Native American Specialist. They need to speak a Native Language Fluently and to have visited most tribes. That cuts out 99% of all researchers who claim to be Native Researchers. That just want your money.

A true Researcher for any research should have experience. They need to have traveled to many courthouses and locations to understand where the other 90% of records are located. They could be where your ancestors lived or they may be in a completely different state. Native Records are like this and you better have an experienced Native Researcher who knows these locations. Typically most qualified researchers are not at progenealogist or myheritage or recordclick or heritageconsulting or

Stop throwing away your money by hiring incompetent and subpar researchers who have fancy websites.


October 10, 2019