Are your DNA results real?

This is the real question.

You can check your DNA results and often find that while you thought your ancestors came from Austria, they all ended up coming from France. Or something similar.

At they had a recent issue where many people went back and found this to be the case. This is a lesson for everyone. 23 and Me and, and that is the big three. If you are using these services for genealogy you should do a test with each of these companies. This will cover most of the people in the United States who are looking for relatives and have taken a DNA test. These test are analyzed for “Genetic Markers”. An algorithm is then used to match your DNA with people from other places in the World. This is how you are matched against other people who take a DNA test. It is best if you post a credible Family Tree to go with these test results. These algorithm’s are constantly being worked on by genetic scientists and updated. Hence your Family Matches are meant to be more accurate as time progress’s. Unfortunately there are also what Geneticists call mutations in Family Trees at some point. No one knows where or when these occur but they do. This sends anomalies throughout your Family Tree and often lead to inaccuracies. A genealogist draws conclusions from the evidence they collect on their families. DNA algorithms do the same. When they receive additional information or data, the results often change.

The only way to accurately use DNA for genealogy is to first find proof that your ancestral lineage is correct. Then the DNA can confirm this. The following are major points to prove DNA testing.

1. Don’t listen to Genealogy Companies selling DNA testing. You will talk with a sales representative. You might as well be buying a used car from a Car Salesman. They don’t know everything, but they will surely tell you what you want to hear, to acquire a sale.

2. Many people want to find their Native American Ancestry. The only thing the DNA test will do, is confirm you are Native American. It won’t tell you the tribe or accurately predict how much Native Ancestry. Your results could even declare you have 0 percent Native Ancestry. I have had this happen with full blooded Native Americans. This shows you the true accuracy of the Test. The key to finding Native Ancestry through DNA is to hire a professional in this field. Definitely don’t hire a genealogist who is not Native American. And don’t hire someone who will not travel to where your ancestors lived. Over 90% of information needed is not online or in a library. It requires travel and the only person with the Expertise who is a member of a Federally Recognized Tribe, who travels to your family’s ancestral lands is Frankie Davis. Trace Your Native American Roots

She speaks fluent Navajo, Apache, and some Sioux.

3. If you want accurate research that is equivalent or even better that “Who do you think you are” television show offered to celebrities go to
4. Stop wasting your time and money and hire

5. Talk to the Experts and give a call today. They have a discount right now.

April 6, 2019