I have Native DNA Now What?

1. You can tell all your friends and relatives you are part Native!

What this does NOT PROVE!

1. It does not prove which tribe you are from.
2. The percentage of Indian Blood is not accurate
3. It will not be accepted by any Tribe for Enrollment

What this proves!

4. Somewhere in your family lineage, on at least one line, you have a full blooded Native American Ancestor. Probably a woman.
5. It is a guide only. But if you want Enrollment, do not procrastinate and wait. Tribes often change their Enrollment Criteria and make it harder or close their Enrollment Roles completely. Be wise and do what is necessary now.
6. You have an opportunity to find your Native Ancestors.
7. Americanancestors.info has two packages that could help you greatly.
8. Americanancestors.info can perform the research for you.
9. Americanancestors.info can perform a feasibility study on your Native Ancestry to determine your chances of Enrollment.

January 1, 2019